These are my beliefs. Always inspired by life stories, self-discovery, possibilities, positive growth, intentional living, and champagne dreams. I help high-achieving women who want to lead a wildly abundant life through discovering their authentic self and rewriting the stories keeping them stuck, so that they never again feel like they're living a life that is limited and unfulfilling.

champagne dreams!

To leave the world more
beautifully than I found it, bring PURPOSE & MOTIVATION into every conversation, be an example of living authentically & intentionally, and yes, inspire 


I was living my best life of health, career, relationships, and all the things. Then it all came crashing down on me. I was stuck at a crossroads, coping with a health condition, feeling lost and alone, and ready to give up. I turned it all around through discovering my true identity—who I am and what I want—and finding purpose in the art science of  authenticity.

And just like that I got my life back—the career, money, relationships, dignity, and that amazing feeling that I can do anything.

I did the work and overcame the strongholds and so can you. Now I'm coaching women and reminding them they are not broken and they can still lead the life they want. They just need someone to show them how.

My superpower is helping women activate the power they already possess. To discover their authentic self and rewrite the stories keeping them stuck, so that they can have the kind of life they actually want....one with abundant freedom, joy, and success. 

But it wasn't always this way.

First, I had to do the work to change the false identity I had assumed—not confident, not relevant, not worthy, have nothing to offer, no purpose.

As my mind replayed my life's lows, I felt myself sinking deeper—the abandonment by my father at age 5, growing up in poverty, losing special people to suicide, an abusive boyfriend, unsuccessful IVF,  the betrayals, a health condition, toxic work culture, closing my business. All of it. I felt BROKEN, LOST, and UNWORTHY.

As my life was unraveling, I suddenly had an epiphany—I have a lot to give, and I didn't come this far, to only come this far. It's then that I sought out to do something different, something I had not tried before.

And so I set out to get my life back.

That's in the past now, for good. And like every great comeback story, there is a happy ending (or new beginning).

It's amazing how much clarity and empowerment came from rewriting the stories that were keeping me stuck. I overcame and am feeling confident having conquered the strongholds.

Today, I'm in an amazing place in life, doing what I love because I did the work to embrace my authenticity and live intentionally.

Identity-Based Coaching® is what worked for me. It's for all women who want to get unstuck and lead their wildly abundant life. You just have to believe that everything is possible and get started. 

Here's to never looking back, cheers to champagne dreams!

everything is possible

everything is possible

This is what I want for you.

“With Gabriela’s coaching, I didn't just create a roadmap – I discovered who I needed to become to achieve my dreams. I'm excited for my future!”

- Nataly


Not only has my own personal experience qualified me to help you get unstuck, there's also this...


Identity-Based Coaching® is the future of life coaching.

Identity-Based Coaching® combines narrative psychology, neuroscience, and positive psychology to rewrite the stories that keep you stuck, help you design your future self, and embrace the behaviors and outcomes you want, no willpower required.

With Identity-Based Coaching®, the focus is on designing who you are first so what you do is simply second nature. It’s so much easier and much more fun!

Change doesn't have to be as hard
as we've been led to believe.

“One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through and it will be someone else’s survival guide.”

- Brené Brown

Listen > Understand

Integrity, Always

Respect for The Individual

No Judgment

Openness + Optimism

Never Giving Up


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